Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday at the clinic

After three days at the clinic I was successful with my little friend it wasn't easy many toys jump rope everything in my bag finally today she became my friend at the end of the day she told my bye also one huge hug a I have a video with her jumping rope and sharing with her friends.
Next will someone explain why or how some children are like magnets, they attach to your heart, that is why I am here.
Pictures I download vainshed ????
This clinic is located far in the countryside very poor less resources than last April the children looking five are probably ten those looking mid teens are middle to late twentys then there is the old people but only mid fourtys ans fiftys they are really poor farmers from the hills. On the brighter side I met a village school teacher twenty six very good teaching english and math, the future will be better (soon please)
My special friend cancelled tonight Sunday morning I will meet her.
Jolly will help shop for clothing.
I was informed yesterday there is a man in Denang that likes a special kind of clothing not availabe here, they fit perfect.
Medical Missions were not invented by Dolly no 9-5 here more like 5-9 I am exhausted but would't trade placed with you country folks Im loving my security job (people mover) I am just where I want to be in the middle of the croud (kids included) we talk all day long not sure what each said but LOVE and who cares. Each day is a new experience, I am ready.
In Gods care


  1. Maybe it's because you are a big kid yourself. Sounds like you a doing great work to be getting hugs! Please be safe and continue to enjoy your time over there can't wait for you to get home you've got to see my dress I bought

  2. So glad you are having a great time with the children. Children all have different personalities just like we do. The main thing is they all want to be loved. Please be careful and keep doing what God wants you to do! I love and miss you. Will you be at the same clinic the whole time or will you be moving around to different clinic? I talked to Jolly and she said that she was going shopping for our special little girl today. Hope she finds something very special for her. Talk with you later. Love ya

  3. Sounds like a great day! Praise God! Praying as always.....Sorry about the pictures:( Love you much!

    In Christ,

  4. Like the pictures. Looks like you have made it to right where Gods wants you to be. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
